I seek the protection of Allah (ST) from Shaitaan – the cursed one. In the name of Allah (ST).


Inclusive, Dynamic education and cultural diversity for empowerment and sustainability.


To develop the potential of students in a culturally inclusive and disciplined manner.

Seeking Knowledge from Cradle to Grave.

Message from the PrinciPal

“The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character that is the goal of true education”.  -Martin Luther King, Jr.

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarkatohu

May peace, mercy and blessings of almighty be on all of us.

It is a privilege to be the Principal of such a prestigious institution, since Kamil Muslim College represents quality and consistently sets high standards. Learning is not a process limited to schools and colleges only, nor does it end with the conclusion of one’s school career. It is indeed a lifelong process. This school is oriented to the total formation of a child, and to the adaptations of various methods suiting the dynamics of changing world in order to achieve common goals and objectives. Apart from the basic co-function of teaching and learning, we believe in instilling our children with lifelong skills. As such, we participate in extracurricular activities, both academic-based and sports. Additionally, the college is part of Duke of Edinburgh International Awards, Apiculture, Poultry Farming, Pisciculture and Agriculture.

The world of 21st century is changing at an accelerated scale. It is a challenge for educators to cope with the changing world and prepare their students for the future. As challenges increase stakeholder’s involvement is school activities needs to escalate also. More collaboration is needed between teachers, parents, community leaders to assist our children who are consistently facing peer pressure and are fighting to keep themselves committed to do the right thing. On the same note parents are encouraged to accommodate and support their children towards use of digital gadgets for learning.

Finally, I’d like to thank our Editorial Board for their tremendous work in producing this issue of the school magazine “Shama -E – Ilm.” I would also want to express my heartfelt gratitude to all stakeholders, who have contributed to this institution and for their ongoing support. Today, as we enter our fifty-second year, we resolve to strive for every child – and in the process – to create new vistas in the field of education.




Extra Curricula Developments

Our focus at the college is on the all-round development of every child. Hence, we not only promote curriculum developments, but also on the extra – curricula activities.

Click on the link to see our children in action, be it in sports, or religious activities and celebrations.

Online Learning
We have migrated to E-Learning via Moodle Platform

We strive to provide the best for our children. All our teaching subjects are fully online comprising of not only the normal teaching materials, but also extra digital media enhanced resources to help students.


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