The department is actively involved in sporting activities as well as classroom teaching and learning.
PEMAC department consist of two specialist and ten non specialist teachers who assist in the P.E. practical classes. Physical Education is offered in the school from Year 9 to Vocational. Visual arts and performing arts are only offered to Year 9 and Year 10. With good available resources provided, E- learning was very effective way of teaching to the students as we use interactive board and projector machine. Department is blessed and fortunate to have a fully equipped gym fitness centre.
Physical education provides cognitive content and instruction designed to develop motor skills, knowledge, and behaviors for physical activity and physical fitness. Visual arts are art such as drawing, painting, print making, weaving, poster design and carving. Performing arts are arts or skills that require a performance in front of a public audience. Examples are acting, singing, and dancing. The department took part in various competitions such as Beautification, IDDAIT, International Day of Sign Language and sporting competition. The other activity carried out by the department includes successful completion of internal assessment tasks, practical class and the coverage.
I greatly acknowledge the dedicated and hardworking teachers who have done their best to impart knowledge to students and also train athletes on individual and team sports competition.
Finally, I would like to thank the school administrative team, all staff members, students and stakeholders for their ongoing support and guidance and wish every student all the very best in their external examination.
I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Sitting (L – R): Mrs. F. Nisha, Mrs. L. Tuinuku, Mrs. S. Singh
Standing (L-R): Mr. R. Krishna (HOD), Mr. I. Vatucicila, Ms. A. Kumar